سجّل هنا للحصول على وصول مبكر يوم الاربعاء 🥡

عسل أصفر من كولومبيا مع نقع الكربونات
تتميز هذه القهوة بنكهات فاكهة العاطفة وجوز الهند والتوت والتوابل، وهي إضافة نابضة بالحياة إلى مجموعتنا. يتم تخمير الحبوب لمدة 120 ساعة عن طريق حقن ثاني أكسيد الكربون ونقعها تحت ضغط البار، تليها فترة تجفيف لمدة 8 أيام باستخدام كل من طرق التجفيف الميكانيكية والشمسية. تضمن هذه المعالجة الدقيقة والمبتكرة مذاقًا غنيًا وفريدًا، وهو مثالي لأولئك الذين يسعون إلى تجربة قهوة مميزة لا تُنسى.
What's included in each experience
The Takeout Box comes with:
- A 200-gram bag of coffee
- One fortune cookie or Hi-Chew
- A few stickers
- One packet of instant coffee
- One custom brewing water packet from Third Wave Water
- A detailed coffee card
This option contains:
- One 200-gram bag of coffee
- One instant coffee packet
- One detailed coffee card
This option contains:
- One 1000-gram bag of coffee
- Two instant coffee packets
- One custom brewing water packet from Third Wave Water
- One detailed coffee card
This option contains:
- One 2000-gram bag of coffee
- Two instant coffee packets
- One custom brewing water packet from Third Wave Water
- One detailed coffee card
Coffee info
Mill: In House
Process: Yellow Honey Carbonic Maceration
Varietal: Bourbon Pimienta
Harvest date: March 2024
Volume Purchased:500 Kilos
About the farm: For this coffee, the cherry maturity is above 95% to ensure the best sugar content for fermentation. This is achieved by selective hand picking, hand sorting after picking, and floating the coffee. After this, the coffee is fermented in stainless steel tanks for 120 hours with a CO2 injection every 24 hours to a 6 bar pressure to macerate the cherries during this phase. This coffee is then dried in a mix of mechanical and sun-dried areas, which takes around 8 days to fully dry. The coffee is then stabilized for 15 days before milling.
Drying time: 22 Days
Drying Temperature: Below 32’C
Humidity: 10.6%
Density: 687
Water Activity: 0.6
Stabilization: 33 Days
Elevation: 1350
Temperature: 24-28’C
Total trees: 40000
Taste Cup Profile
Processing Cup Effect : 6
Sweetness : 6
Acidity : 6
Clarity : 7
Aftertaste : 7
Floral : 5
Spice : 7
Internal Cup Score : 88.6
Bean: 74 Ground:103
Transparency cost
Here, we share what the producer or farm manager is comfortable with sharing, like export, milling, and pickers' pay, as it helps to know who you support. We always share at minimum Farmgate, FOB, and our cost.
Farmgate : $11.26LB / $24.82KILO
FOB : $12.00LB / $26.46KILO
Farmer's % : $11.26LB goes directly to El Vergel
Our Cost Of Green : $13.00LB / $28.66KILO
Roasted cost 14% : $14.96LB / $32.96KILO
Packaging : $1.98
Luminous Labor : $28 HOUR
Ship Dates
We pack all orders and then ship them out at 9 AM on Monday through USPS. For international orders, we use DHL, which ships at 11 AM on Monday.
Tracking information is sent to your email. For any issues, please reach out to us.
We also roast some batches on Saturday on Instagram Live, so you can tune in, ask questions, and learn about the process.
Brew Recipe Tool
Producer Q & A
How did you come into working in coffee?
We started to produce coffee at the farm El Vergel in Fresno, Tolima. Both of us, Shady and Elias Bayter, have been involved in farming since childhood, following the steps of our parents, who started as avocado growers. Growing up in the countryside created a strong bond between the brothers, farming, and the region where they grew up. In 2012, they ventured into the world of coffee and fell in love with it. Immense dreams around coffee were born. Two years later, they discovered the Specialty Coffee movement, and that's when they found the direction they wanted for El Vergel and also for themselves. In 2016, after several years of researching coffee varieties, appropriate climates, and soils, the Bayter brothers kickstarted a varietal project at Finca El Vergel. The farm has a special microclimate thanks to the proximity to the snow-capped volcano Nevado del Ruiz, on whose slopes El Vergel is located. They decided to plant Java, an exotic variety and quite unusual for Colombia. It turned out that Java is one of the most complex and versatile varieties they have ever encountered!
What makes this harvest or lot different from others?
It's our first time processing our Pimienta with CM
What would you say separates your coffee from others?
I think all the coffees in the world are different due to natural factors, including microclimate, altitude, soil nutrients available, genetics, and many others. But for our farm specifically, we have a big focus on processing, which has helped us to develop unique profiles that are not often seen in the market.
What does your day consist of managing the farm or farms?
Normally, we have two kinds of days, depending on which part we are in, but normally on the farm, the first thing we do is have a pour-over of the coffees we have been processing over the last few weeks to see how they respond in these methods! Afterwards, we go to the wet mill and start checking all the processes we have running, and take detailed notes of aromas, physical aspects, moisture levels, and days of each batch in each stage. After running through all the processes, we start looking for lots coming to a final step in drying and prepare them to be cupped the next day. If we still have time, we will go and walk different lots of the farm to see and talk with the members of El Vergel and check for things to improve. At the end of the day (5-6 pm), we are back at the wet mill, where we receive the coffee picked for that day and start the process depending on the variety and time of harvest (beginning, middle, or end).
What opportunities are you looking for from people who buy your coffee or work with you currently?
We want to be able to create a better culture of coffee through good processing methods, which are then showcased by roasters with the same focus on quality. At the same time, we want to become pioneers in the coffee industry by having an impact not only on our coffees but also with all the other coffee growers.
Where does your sense of passion for coffee come from?
I think we have always been passionate about agriculture since we started as babies coming to the farm, but our passion for coffee started when we tried a special cold brew of a Mocca variety in Quindio, and we realized that we had been drinking non-specialty coffee our whole lives.
Are you looking to grow relationships with long-term partners?
Yes, definitely.
Feel free to share anything on your mind about the industry or yourself. We sell not just to consumers but to the industry, which often looks at what we buy and tries to buy it too, benefiting everyone.
First of all, we want to thank you for buying our coffee and let you know that by having this cup of coffee or bag of coffee, you are impacting a coffee grower and helping us to keep dreaming big to bring more and more specialty coffees to amazing roasters like Luminous!